Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shield Designs

Ok, been working some more on my shield designs, for my shields I wanted something that would be based off the history of Nagarythe and in particular Aenarion the kingdoms founder. The design I've come up with features Aenarion represented by his Dragon Indraugnir rising from the Flames of the shrine of Asuryan, or at least the nearest approximation of that, that I can come up with.

To build the shields I took the serpent icon from the Dark Elf shield sprue (to represent Indraugnir) and attached it to a High Elf shield, then modelled flames coming up from the bottom of the shield in green stuff (for the flames of Asuryan) as shown here:
The four test shields I created

The next problem was what colour scheme to paint them in, the two options that seem best are shown below, but I'm undecided which one to use, opinions on this, as always, are welcome.

The Two Designs
Purple Shield on Model
Black Shield on Model
Two in Ranks

Hers an additional white design that I did at the recommendation of my mate Scott. Ignore the quality of the white if you can, obviously I'd do the actual shields from a white undercoat not black which would allow me to paint much thinner....
White Shield
White Shield on Model

1 comment:

  1. I'd go with the purple background personally. Fits better with your uniform choice.
